We come home after work, leaving "overboard" our business affairs. What about children? After returning from school, they still do not part with it, because their school day prolongs their homework.

Remember yourself: how you didn’t want to sit down for textbooks even at home! Someone was playing for time and putting off "homework" until the last moment, someone, on the contrary, sought to deal with it right away so that it would not hang over the soul. In a word, both children and parents would be happy to do without these additional tasks!
What to do? Here are some tips to help your child feel better about doing homework.
Do not seat your student immediately for lessons. He definitely needs to first relax a little, have a snack, talk with you or play, because he does not know about professional case study writing services and writes on his own. Talk to your child about the best time to practice. Only he himself can know the moment when "homework" is the easiest for him. Some feel ready for work immediately after lunch, others in the evening, someone after a walk. Respect the student's choice, do not remind him once again about the lessons: let him learn to be responsible.
Let the child organize his own work environment. Contrary to the prevailing opinion that the lessons should be done in silence at the table - “as expected”, this can, on the contrary, reduce the desire to study: well, just like at school! I personally, and I studied well, music helped. Equations to the music were solved faster, and historical dates were remembered firmly. My girlfriend did her “homework” lying on the floor in the living room, by the way, she also studied well. And someone likes to study while sitting on the couch: various small tables are now being sold for such purposes, but children often use improvised means: a tray, a thick large book instead of a table. The only thing that should be excluded from view is the TV.