If you are troubled by frequent UTIs, you might need to schedule an appointment with an urologist. UTI stands for urinary tract infection and involves the internal body parts of bladder, urethra, kidneys, and various tubes that attach everything. When these systems are working properly, they are miraculous machinery in action. When a hitch in the works occurs, it cannot only be extremely painful; it can permanently damage the body if it isn't treated promptly and properly. Please hit on to Women Urologist check more about our services. How Do You Know You Have a UTI? There are various ways to self-diagnose a UTI by noting the following symptoms. Your urine might smell bad and isn't clear. It's painful to urinate including sensations of burning. Your lower abdominal region might feel full and sensitive. You could be sick to your stomach, be throwing up, or be running a fever. If you have these symptoms, you need to make an appointment with a urologist sooner rather than later. This is especially true if you are expecting a baby, are elderly, or have other health issues that could complicate your situation. Please hit on to Women Urologist check more about our services.

How Does It Happen?
If you're experiencing the above symptoms, you may wonder how you caught the infection. The way it usually works is that bacteria somehow made its way into your body. It can occur during sex or if a woman wipes herself with toilet paper in the wrong direction. It can also happen more easily in hot weather, when a person becomes dehydrated, or has some sort of health condition such as diabetes. Because female's urethras are shorter than male's, women tend to have more UTIs than men. Pregnant women and post-menopausal women get these infections more often than the general population. When UTIs become chronic and return again and again, a urologist should definitely be brought into the picture to sort out the difficulties.
How Can UTIs Be Treated?
Urinary tract infections can be managed preventatively as well as after the condition is in full swing. Preventative measures include drinking plenty of water so dehydration doesn't occur, drinking cranberry juice, wiping front to back when using the toilet, and taking estrogen if a woman is post-menopausal. When an infection has occurred, there are antibiotics that can knock the germs out and relieve the painful symptoms. Having prompt and proper treatment is a must or scar tissue can develop and kidney damage can occur.
If you or someone you love has the symptoms of a UTI, it's important to make an appointment with a urologist for a proper diagnosis. A visit to the doctor will include a urinalysis and if the results show an infection, treatment can begin immediately. The sooner a remedy is prescribed, the sooner healing can occur.